Network Operations Centre
Remote Management and Monitoring is at the heart of Managed IT Services. It provides a support experience second to no other. If one values up time, productivity and staying ahead of the competition and being in the know then this is what you want.
Our Remote Monitoring and Management (RMM) Platform provides our Network Operations Centre (NOC) with a wealth of information that enhances our service delivery to partners nationwide and globally.
Our systems securely monitor and alert on all devices connected to your network 24/7/365 days of the year in almost real time through the use of an agent. And with Aged Analysis reporting we get an overview of a system very quickly, so instead of sitting in front of a device trying to figure out what is wrong we have a pretty good idea straight away. In a lot of cases our automated delivery will even have the issue corrected before it becomes an issue.
How does this help? The biggest benefits are less downtime and a more productive system. But it also allows a more proactive overview of your complete infrastructure and better forecasting.
24/7/365 Monitoring and Alerting
Full Reporting with Aged Analysis
Rapid Remote Remediation
What are we checking?
Well pretty much everything! Our monitoring and alerting are based on vendor best practices. Our tools will monitor and alert on the following baseline areas and more:
- Hardware
- Software
- Services
- Processes
- Security
The above in-depth covers things like hard drives and hard drive free space. Software like Microsoft Office, SQL Server and Exchange. Services that keep a server or workstation running and processes that are good and bad. It will also monitor Anti Virus software, is it up to date, scheduled scans and updates!. If something is not working correctly, we are alerted about it.

How does Support Work
We have our Helpdesk which receives all the alerts from our NOC. From there we use a range of different options provided by our RMM tool.
- Automation
- Remote Control
- Background Correction
From there if all else fails an engineer arrives to site to correct the issue. The above processes allow what we term "Rapid Remote Remediation". Overall, our Enterprise RMM system provides support with the least amount of intrusion to your working day making the experience unparalleled.
Can you imagine a time when your IT Support finds and corrects an issue before you are aware of it?
Well imagine no more.....
You've spent good money investing in your IT
Now make sure it is looked after in the correct manner. Standard Break/Fix type agreements do nothing to help your business productivity and only cost you more in the long run. Change now and continue moving forward